Is your team stuck at “pretty good” for way too long?

My 1:1 private coaching program will give you the instruction, guidance, and accountability
you need to break through to the next level.

Speak with seasoned coach

I’ll give you straightforward advice that you can put into action immediately. This isn’t generic, vague stuff; it’s practical, ‘do this next’ instruction based on over 1,000 hours of coaching people just like you.

Sound good?

100% money back guarantee

I’m so sure that I can provide at least one piece of high-value advice that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you feel you have not gotten your money’s worth at the end of our call, just let me know, and I’ll refund your payment in full.

Hi! I’m Ralf,

and I help teams to find joy in results and the pride of being responsible.

Starting as a developer in 2007, I advanced to roles like team lead and architect. Then I realized that technical and methodical excellence is important, but not sufficient. It’s about sparking enthusiasm for raising the bar and the constant questioning of the status quo. I have had the pleasure to work with outstanding developers from around the world, speaking on conferences, giving lectures about “Modern Software Architectures” and, most of all, helping people to surprise themselves with their passion and their own abilities.

Book your call now

It’s 15 min call where we get to know
each other and discuss how to proceed.